Elekit Debuts TU-8888 Monoblock Amplifier Kit

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Category: News News
Published: 21 January 2025 21 January 2025

Japan’s kit amplification specialist Elekit has announced a limited run and ready to assemble, KT-based monoblock amplifier kit.

The new TU-8888 monoblock amplifiers are Elekit’s first push-pull design and its latest offering in a growing stable featuring valve-based designs employing a variety of tube types. In this case, the TU-8888 monoblocks (two monos in the kit) feature wide output tube compatibility across the range of popular tetrode octal (8-pin) tubes spanning from the venerable KT88 through to the current KT170.

The new mono kits are supplied without valves or OP Transformers, items which are supplied by Australian importer Secret Chord Analogue. The amps can be fitted with KT150s or KT170s, a configuration outputting 60 watts, while also available is an option for KT88s which offer 50 watts (all output power ratings based on 8 ohms impedance load). Driver/voltage amplifying tubes are a EF86 and ECC82 (12AU7). The stated frequency response spans from 10 Hz to 50 kHz at a -3dB point.


The TU-8888 is a push-pull Class-A/B design including a MOSFET ripple filter circuit and a manually adjustable bias scheme. Elekit states the biasing procedure allows “easy adjustment” via the multi-meter included in the kit. The TU-8888 parts quality is said to be high and includes LL3733 Lundahl transformers (additional cost option via Australian distributor) in conjunction with polymer electrolytic and polypropylene film coupling capacitors. Elekit's Australian distributor also provides an option to upgrade to select capacitors from premium brands (silver/gold capacitors). The TU-8888 is protected via fuses and PTCs (over-current and shorts protection).

The TU-8888’s rear panel simply includes an unbalanced RCA input which is coupled to a very convenient level/gain trim pot allowing fine-tuning compatibility with the preamplifier’s input signal. The gain trim pot can also provide direct connectivity to a digital-to-analogue converter in some situations. A set of loudspeaker binding posts offer 8 ohms and 4 ohms options and are said to be isolated from the amplifier’s circuit and chassis ground. An IEC AC socket rounds out the connectivity.

Elekit importer Secret Chord Analogue’s Stephen Price told SoundStage! Australia, “Secret Chord Analogue is proud to announce the imminent arrival of the limited edition TU-8888 Monoblock amplifier kit from Elekit of Japan… Secret Chord Analogue has been a supplier and supporter of Elekit tube amplifier kits for over ten years. The design and manufacturing standards are second to none, the result being amplifiers of the highest quality. The TU-8888 is the culmination of all this experience.”


The new Elekit TU-8888 monoblock amplifier kits are available now and can be purchased with a number of assembly options made available by Australian distributor Secret Chord Analogue. Customers can opt to assemble the kit themselves, attend an ‘Amp Camp’ supervised session at Secret Chord Analogue's purpose-built workshop, or choose a ‘build it for you’ service also offered by Secret Chord Analogue.

Elekit TU-888 Monoblock Amplifier Kit
Price: Starting from AU$8795

Australian Distributor: Secret Chord Analogue
+61 (0) 2 9043 6567