Tokyo International Audio Show 2023 Coverage

Konnichiwa! I was landing in one of my very favourite cities in the world yet, despite all my previous visits to Japan, criminally, I had never attended this, from all reports, delightfully quirky and densely teeming show. Hitting the Tokyo International Forum early on the morning of the first day (Friday, as this is a three-day show), I was impressed by the anticipating throngs assembled. It was, after all, the Tokyo International Audio Show’s 40th Anniversary, so the sense of excitement was palpable. Further, I was struck by the Forum’s architectural grandeur, a complex edifice of metal and glass. I was off to a kakkoii start.

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Standout Rooms at StereoNET’s Melbourne Hi-Fi & AV Show 2023

Like a foghorn blaring over Albert Park lake, StereoNET’s Hi-Fi & AV Show summoned audio and music lovers from around the country and delivered a bigger and super-varied audio feast at its traditional venue, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park.

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SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: From Italy with Luxury: Livio Details the Sonus Faber Serafino G2 Loudspeaker

SoundStage! Australia’s editor in chief, Edgar Kramer, talks to Sonus Faber’s chief of design, Livio Cucuzza, about the Serafino G2 loudspeaker’s design, technology, and performance targets for the penultimate model in the company’s upmarket Homage series.

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Photo Feature – Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show 2023

In what seems like a stronger-than-ever comeback, the extremely popular Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show is back again for 2023. While this writer did not attend this year, SoundStage! Australia was fortunate enough to have had reviewer Peter Katsoolis’ bovver boots firmly planted on the flamboyantly carpeted ground of the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. He’s heroically submitted a pictorial summation of the weekend’s huge high-end audio fest.

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Factory Tour – Göbel High End

On the occasion of their 20 years in business, and to inaugurate their brand new factory in a new industrial estate about 40 minutes outside Munich, Oliver Göbel invited members of the press, some of his best dealers and their clients to visit his new premises. And I was invited along on behalf of SoundStage! Australia by my good friend and Chief Editor Edgar Kramer.

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Factory Tour – Gryphon Audio Designs

One of the many exciting things about High End Munich is its location. Yes, Munich is a vibing city, but there’s a double whammy there. For me, it’s also a handy gateway to the rest of Europe. Man, the mere thought of traveling, in little more than an hour, between countries which are remarkably different culturally, architecturally, gastronomically and societally is so, so foreign to Aussies. We’re flying six hours and either still over Perth or above the ocean in the middle of nowhere. What? Yeah. So, post-show, it’s become a regular escapade to jump on a trip or two to Europa-at-large. Sometimes, I’m just a wonder-eyed tourist. Other times, I’ll visit an audio manufacturer… and am equally wonder-eyed. In those instances, I don’t just rock-up, the journey is usually a pre-arranged affair months in advance. A company knows I’ll be in Munich and extends a welcoming hand. This year, I synched-up with eagle keeper and lion master Rune Skov, who extended his lean-machine inked arms to a 10-dude Aussie junket. We’re to experience the machinations in the Gryphon Audio Designs’ lair. Or should I say the lion’s den… or eagle’s nest… you know, wherever the Gryphon creatures live.

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SoundStage! Australia’s 10 Favourite Exhibits at High End Munich 2023

High End Munich 2023 was, once again, a resounding success. In fact, beyond expectations. As always, the sheer mass of exhibits makes it difficult to showcase all that’s happening at this global flagship audio event. Kudos to SoundStage! founder Doug Schneider and Senior Reviewer Jason Thorpe for their outstanding coverage. Herr Schneider tackled new products launched at HEM, providing finger-on-the-pulse updates made ‘live’ on the SoundStage! Global website within the show’s commencing few hours (see it here). Herr Thorpe tackled interest pieces and a variety of exotica while yours truly would compile my usual ‘10 Favourite Exhibits’ and noteworthy selections post-event. On the show’s last day, on Sunday afternoon, I travelled to Denmark at Gryphon Audio’s invitation while Jason skipped across to Italy to say g’day to Unison Research, Audia Flight and Gold Note. I’m back in ‘the Mountains’ now to bring you my picks of High End Munich 2023.

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Finding Nirvana – Melbourne’s Newest High-End Audio Store

Did you know that a place of enlightenment is but a short drive away? Believe. Yes, ‘Bodh Gaya’ can be found in the heart of Melbourne. I’m talking about Nirvana Sound, where visitors will be elevated and inspired by the veritable treasures of high-end exotica. On my recent visit, I chatted to the good people at Nirvana Sound who, with their discerning taste, are responsible for bringing to market some of the world’s most luxuriously exciting audio products.

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Australian Hi-Fi Show 2023 – Part 2

In Part 2, I continued the journey of discovery as I progressed along the long dual carriage corridor, going room-to-room, on level 9 of the Novotel Central Hotel Sydney.

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Australian Hi-Fi Show 2023 – Part 1

In an audio enthusiast-invigorating return to Sydney, the Australian Hi-Fi Show staged its much-awaited comeback at the Novotel Central Hotel to eager crowds while presenting a medley of hi-fi from entry level to the high-end.

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RIO Sound & Vision VIP Pre-Launch Tour and Gala Opening

They had a dream. Dynamic duo Paul and Denise Riachi, founders of RIO Sound & Vision, envisioned a unique audio and visual retail space on a scale unlike anything this country, and likely the world, had ever seen. A grand environment where the Melbourne couple’s love of music and film could be showcased in an expression of excellence with unrivalled magnitude. SoundStage! Australia was invited to a VIP preview tour and, later that night, the gala opening where celebrities, media and key industry personnel were treated to a unique achievement in the audio/visual retail sector. (The Riachi’s are seen above with Aussie Boxing Champion Michael Zerafa and iconic movie characters).

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The Tivoli Hi-Fi Experience

Not the beautiful gardens in Paris of old, nor a picture-perfect township just south of Rome. No, Tivoli Hi-Fi is more like the famous Copenhagen fun park, a joyful namesake and audio Mecca not just for Melbournians but for audiophiles and music lovers from all around Australia.

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